The main objective of WP4 is to complete a health economic evaluation for alternative target product profiles.
This WP is designed as a seamless continuation of WP2, where the same partners active in WP2 will focus on the actual implementation of the models and on the scenario and sensitivity analysis.
Develop individual based models (IBMs) with a modular structure which can simulate the dynamics of multiple pathogens for multiple intervention strategies.
Develop cost-effectiveness models which use the output of the IBM for various perspectives (patient, healthcare, societal) and which takes direct, indirect costs as well as health outcomes into account, and propagates parameter uncertainty.
Determine cost-effectiveness (with associated uncertainty) of multiple intervention options for multiple scenarios and settings. Identify, according to scenario and setting, where further data collection would lead to more cost-effective decision making.
Academic Lead: Prof. Martin Bootsma, UMCU: Dr. Martin Bootsma is a theoretical physicist and mathematician. He is currently an assistant professor at UMCU with 20 years’ experience on infectious disease dynamics. His main research focus is mathematical models for the spread of antimicrobial resistance.
Industry Lead: Raymond Farkouh, PhD, is Senior Director, Value and Evidence Vaccines Team Lead, supporting a team of health economists and epidemiologists working across the entirety of Pfizer’s Vaccines and mRNA portfolio. This team is responsible for development of the health economic models, global value dossiers, real-world data analyses, and the translation of all this evidence to our country access colleagues.