A multi-year evaluation plan will be elaborated in order to monitor AMR in selected pilot countries (prioritising the eight focus countries indicated in the call) for model calibration. Selection criteria for inclusion of pilot countries will be defined in order to ensure representative data are available for broad model refinement. Variables identified in WPs 1, 2, 3 and 4 that are routinely collected by health care systems will be prioritised in order to facilitate data collection and subsequent model refinement.
The evaluation plan implemented in this WP will be informed by activities in WP1 and WP2 that review the types of data that are routinely collected in healthcare systems and identify data that will be suitable for model refinement and calibration.
Development and implementation of a multi-year evaluation and data collection plan for monitoring AMR in selected pilot countries for model calibration.
Refinement of the model using real data collected from selected pilot sites for identifying information gaps, assessing the reliability of model parameters, and verifying model assumptions/predictions.
Elaboration of comprehensive guidance material that will facilitate use of the model by stakeholders.
Elaboration and implementation of a sustainability roadmap that ensures long-term model calibration/validation and accessibility after project completion.
Academic Lead: Dr. Michael McConnell, ISCIII: Dr. Michael McConnell (MD) is a tenured scientist at the National Centre for Microbiology and Principal Investigator at the Intrahospital Infection Laboratory. He is experienced in the preclinical development of vaccines for the prevention of antibiotic resistant infections and is a founding partner of the biotechnology company Vaxdyn, which develops antibacterial vaccines. He has participated as Work Package Leader in three projects funded by the EU (TRANSVAC-DS, MAGIC BULLET, ITRIBIS). He has collaborated with the WHO developing target product profiles for vaccines against antibiotic resistant bacterial infections.
Industry Lead: Dr. Lorenzo Argante, GSK: Dr. Lorenzo Argante is a Principal Statistician who holds a PhD in Complex Systems in Life Sciences from the University of Turin. He has nine years of experience in the vaccine industry with experience in epidemiological and immunological modelling of infectious diseases. Dr. Argante will be EFPIA lead for WP 2 and contribute to work packages 1, 3, 4 and 5.